Karen Bradley enjoyed a visit to Ilam Primary School this week as well as the usual whirlwind or events in Westminster. She described her week in this article for local newspapers.
"One of the privileges - and necessities - of being an MP is that I get so many firsthand briefings on the many different issues that affect us in the Moorlands. In Westminster this week, I met Digital UK who are managing the switchover from the analogue TV signal to digital. I know that many people in the Moorlands can watch their TV through the digital signal already, but for those of us still using the analogue version, switchover will happen in two stages. On 7 September 2011 all digital services will start to broadcast and the BBC2 analogue signal switches off, then on 21 September 2011 the remaining analogue broadcasts will stop.
I was pleased to learn that the digital signal is significantly stronger than analogue, so even people who currently struggle to receive a normal signal should be able to watch digital TV. You can get more information at www.digitaluk.co.uk, or pop into my constituency office where we will be able to give you phone numbers and other useful information.
Back in the Moorlands, I spent a great morning at Ilam Primary School to see a wonderful example of providing education in rural areas and where the staff encourage a real sense of aspiration. And the pupils asked me some of the most challenging questions I've had this year!
Later I met Staffordshire Wildlife Trust. It's vital that we maintain the beauty of the Moorlands and the Trust, working together with farmers, make a special contribution. Later I chaired a liaison meeting of John Pointon & Sons with local residents and other agencies. As chair I am able to provide an independent view point and help all parties explore how that business can work with the local community positively."